Waters Edge
Waters Edge at the Riverfront is a condo community inside of the larger community of The Riverfront. The Riverfront is a sub-development of the larger community of Harbour View. As a condo owner we pay two association fees: one (the monthly payment) to our condo association and the other (the twice yearly payment) to our community association of Harbour View. These two associations have two separate boards that run each segment of our community individually.
The Waters Edge at the Riverfront Board of Directors meets on the third Wednesday of each month - the sign is always posted near our mail kiosk if you would like to attend the board meetings regarding our condo community. The Harbour View Board of Directors meets on the third Monday of each month and posts their sign at the entrances to the The Riverfront (the end of North River Road), and they discuss issues that impact our community of Harbour View (issues that are generally outside of our condo community). As an owner you are a stake holder in both associations and we encourage everyone to attend both meetings when possible.